(courtesy of ISKCON News)

Sri Prahlada Das, who is known for traveling with Indradyumna Swami for 18 years as his assistant, performing in the band Village of Peace, and bringing kirtan and bhakti wisdom to yoga schools, has been offering life lessons from the Srimad-Bhagavatam online during the pandemic.

“At the beginning of lockdown, I thought, ‘In this situation, there’s so much angst, unrest, disease, death, and isolation – how do I contribute to the community?’” he says. “I decided, ‘Let’s meet online and discuss the Bhagavatam.’”

For three months at the start of the pandemic, classes took place daily. Nowadays, Sri Prahlada offers his “Life Lessons from the Srimad-Bhagavatam” twice a week, at 8am London time on Mondays and Thursdays, via https://www.facebook.com/sriprahlada.bhaktiyoga. Around forty people from around the world usually watch live, while some 600 to 800 view the class later. Sri Prahlada speaks for about half an hour, and then invites comments and questions, which his audience type into the chat.

Having completed the first canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam in the first year and now covering the second, the classes focus on the positives of Krishna consciousness rather than the negatives of material life, and highlight life application of the teachings.

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