(courtesy of ISKCON News)

According to the Grihastha Vision Team, “The quality of our relationships determine the quality of our lives.” And according to Srila Prabhupada in a July 10th, 1969 letter, “To marry and to become an exemplary householder is the ideal life of Krishna consciousness.”

So how do we have a happy Krishna conscious marriage?

To find out, we interviewed Partha Das and Uttama Dasi, members of the Grihastha Vision Team (GVT), a group of Vaishnava couples and professional counselors and educators who help ISKCON devotees have healthy marriages and happy families.

Uttama and Partha are also themselves a happily married couple who are about to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this June – so they know what they’re talking about!

Spelling out the acronym HEART, and derived from the third verse of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s Siksastakam, here are their top five tips for a happy Krishna conscious marriage:

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