(courtesy of Dandavats.com)

Hermeneutics is the study of how to interpret scripture in order to get the correct understanding from the text. Both Christian and Vaishnava (Hare Krishna) traditions have a rich system of tools for analyzing scripture. In this stream two scholars will contrast and compare the hemeneutics of these two traditions.

Keith Ward is a prominent Christian Theologian and Philosopher. He is now retired but was previously the Regis Professor of Theology at Oxford University. Ward has written many books and published many papers.

Krishna Kshetra Swami:
In 2004, after eight years of university study (resuming his interrupted studies from 1972), he received a Ph.D. degree from the University of Oxford (St. Cross College), for his dissertation on Caitanya Vaishnava image worship, now available from Routledge Publishers as Attending Krsna’s Image: Caitanya Vaisnava Murti-seva as Devotional Truth (2006), as a book in the Routledge Hindu Studies Series.