Hare Krishna. 

Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

The Congregation Development Ministry (CDM) has engaged the Strategic Planning Support (SPS) team to strategically position itself for their Outreach initiatives. The Damodara Outreach Program (DOP) is one such low hanging fruit (in the short term) for the CDM. This program was just officially launched on 16th October in collaboration with ISKCON Malaysia. To assist them, the SPS has developed an App that would help them with internal team management. With this App GBCs, GDOs and Temple Presidents can at a click of a button track the outreach in real-time at a global or regional level. The CDM is looking for representatives from each temple around the world to help them manage this program. They need your help.

On behalf of the CDM we humbly request that you please help them and publish the attached letter globally such that it reaches all leaders (viz. GBCs, Ministries, GDOs, Temple Presidents and all leaders alike). CDM needs their local representatives as soon as is practically possible.

Thank you

Yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada

obo CDM

Smara-hari Das (SPS)