(courtesy of ISKCON News) 

On Saturday, June 5th, ISKCON North America came together to raise awareness and unify devotees and temples as a demonstration of cooperation and love for Srila Prabhupada and our devotees in the affected regions in India.  

In Mayapur and Bangladesh, over 7,000 devotee families are suffering due to a lack of resources. There is an astounding 126 ISKCON centers in Bangladesh, and these devotees and the surrounding congregation are struggling to feed their families. Basic needs such as rice, dahl, potatoes, and cooking oil are lacking. In addition, there is a dire need for medical aid which includes supplies, oxygen, and facilities in the Mayapur and Bangladesh devotee communities.

Through a special COVID relief event, devotees were able to assist through prayers, kirtan, and support. This special event included guests such as HH Jayapataka Swami, HH Radhanath Swami, HG Vaisesika Das, and more. A special Nrsimha Yagna was performed from New Vrindaban, West Virginia and many kirtaniyas including Gaura Vani Das and Amala Kirtan Das also participated. 

Read the articlehttps://iskconnews.org/devotees-open-their-hearts,7880/