(Courtesy of Radha Vinod Das, Govindas Mayapur)

Jagadishvar Shyam Das
Our head cook Jagadishvar Shyam prabhu, served for close to 12 years in Govinda’s. He is a disciple of HH Jayapataka Swami.
He was a versatile cook with a pleasant disposition.
He took on a lot of responsibility and tried his best to satisfy our customers.
He is survived by his wife, daughter and grand daughter.

Mrityunjay Gaur Das
Mrityunjay Gaur das was a long time BBT man under Shyamrupa prabhu.
He joined Govinda’s close to 4 years back, and served as the Storekeeper and my assistant. He is a disciple of HH Jayapataka Swami.
We used to have long philosophical discussions together. He was always calm and composed, and went the extra mile to satisfy devotees.
He is survived by his wife, son, daughter and grandson.
We really miss these wonderful devotees. We pray to Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Sri Panchatattva and Sri Narasimhadev – May Their Lordships bless these two devotees with eternal shelter at Their lotus feet and also give strength to the family members during this situation