Dear ISKCON Leaders and devotees.

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Srila Prabhupada was very keen that ISKCON devotees in general study his books sincerely for which the Ministry is pursuing its Books are the Basis project and we thank you for your support.  Srila Prabhupada instructed on many occasions that the leaders and Brahmanas who are engaged in presenting the philosophy, should also write examinations on the books and become Bhakti-shastri, bhakti-vaibhav, so on

“All of the leaders should study my books very carefully, since now everyone will have to appear for the examination.”  Srila Prabhupada letter to Jayatirtha, Mayapur,22nd January, 1976

This information bulletin has two parts:

Part One: A video that addresses some of the myths that present an obstacle in the development of our internal scriptural education system development. 

Part Two: A foundational research document that presents Srila Prabhupada’s instructions with respect to examinations that will help you to encourage your community members to pursue these scriptural diplomas. The document is prepared with limited research and may not be comprehensive. If you would like to share some more research on this topic, then please write to us.

Myths regarding the ISKCON Examination System

Chronological Instructions for Writing Exams

Thank you for your support.

Your servant,

Tapana Mishra dasa.

Executive Director

Ministry of Education, ISKCON

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