Dear ISKCON Leaders and Devotees,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda. 

Viplavah 2021, the international education symposium organized by ISKCON Ministry of Education will be held between 13th and 15th August. Many eminent speakers would be sharing their experiences through 20 minutes of Ted-Talk type presentations followed by a short 5 minute Q&A sessions. The symposium will be hosted on Zoom, but will also be broadcast on the Ministry’s YouTube channel.

Registered participants are given the privilege of hosting their own breakout sessions, and can invite other participants to network and collaborate with. Such breakout sessions will be the equivalent to private meeting rooms or project booths in a physical setting, giving you an opportunity to share with others what you are doing. Registered participants will also be given the chance to directly interact with the presenters. Register through the poster above 

We look forward to hosting you soon.

Your servants,
Tapana Miśra dāsa
Balimardana Das

Register Here