Dear Respected Vaishnavas,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am writing to inform you that the ISKCON Communications Course, now available online through the Bhaktivedanta College Radhadesh, starts its new semester next week, April 19.

This five-week course helps devotees communicate better in their personal and professional lives, as well as when representing ISKCON. The course is online, self-paced and designed for those in need of a flexible schedule.

The Communications Course has been acclaimed by Temple Presidents, GBC Ministers, and other senior devotees as highly instructive, practical, and empowering.

Skills taught include public speaking, listening, strategizing media and government relations, understanding our devotee communities’ needs better, working with neighbors, understanding and building rapport with academics and NGO organizations, and more.

Please share this invitation widely with your leaders and communities.

A one minute video introduction is here:

For more information, or to register, go here:

Thank you!

Your servant,

Anuttama dasa

ISKCON Minister of Communications

PS. Below is a review of the Communications Course by a recent graduate, a devotee serving in ISKCON who also leads a multinational company:

*”I am an entrepreneur who runs a water treatment company with over 200 employees and offices in 5 countries. The ISKCON communications course…is very helpful for me in both my professional and devotional life. It will be helpful to devotees from all walks of life….It is fun….interactive and engaging.”* 

*- Dr. Prakash Govindan, COO, Gradiant Corp March, 2021*