Established a covid care center capacity of 3000 beds sponsored by bajaj along with Annamrita and JBS. Approximately 10,000 people benefited through this program

  1. ISKCON Pune along with Annamrita Pune distributed 43 lakhs meals till date.
    2. Feeding cows in various goshalas. Rs 20 lakhs till date.
    3. Distributed 250 ration kits of Rs 2500 each to the 250 Brahmins pujari of pune city’s various temple pujaris.
    4. Distributed 300 Ration kits to the tribals of Lonwala and Mahabaleshwar.
    5. Distributed 3lakhs Homoeopathic viles in the various slums in pune city.
    6. Distributed 2000 Bhagvat Gita free of cost to citizens who were stress.
    7.. Started e learning facility to poor students with spiritual lecture for uplifting their values.

Ration kits distribution to the vaishnavas those are affected economically is still going on the occasion of Srila Prabhupada’s 125 appearance.

Covid-19 Disclaimer: Our content does not express the official position of the GBC Body and is solely the opinion of the respective authors. The GBC Body does not give medical advice and neither does it encourage/discourage vaccinations or any other medical precautions or treatments.