What has kept the International Society for Krishna consciousness going for 54 years now, “systematically propagating spiritual knowledge to society at large” as Srila Prabhupada wrote when incorporating the movement in 1966?

Much has been down to the steady efforts of quietly dedicated devotees, doing their services day in and day out for decades – the pujaris, the teachers, the mothers, the cooks, the cleaners, the maintenance workers, the accountants, the book editors, the congregational preachers. It’s important to celebrate and appreciate these devotees who have given so much of their lives to Srila Prabhupada’s mission.

One of these dedicated soldiers of Prabhupada’s is Jagadisananda Das, who has facilitated the service of book distributors and worked in the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust’s (BBT) mail order department at ISKCON Los Angeles for an incredible forty-five years now.

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