(from ISKCON News)

An example of one of the 14 rooms that will be available at the new facility in Vrindavan. 

A new assisted living residence for devotees who cannot live independently is set to open within six months’ time in Vrindavan, India, the holy place of Lord Krishna’s pastimes.

The fourteen-room facility will prioritize the first generation of ISKCON devotees who are now beginning to retire; as well as the next generation and then the extended families of devotees. “Our idea is to give devotees who have given their life to the movement a comfortable living arrangement in the Holy Dhama of Vrindavan,” says project vice-chair Trikalajna Das.

In the planning stages for several years, the residence, known as ISKCON Vrindavan Vaisnava Care (IVVC), is located a few minutes drive from Krishna Balarama Mandir. All construction work has been completed, and efforts are underway to acquire all the necessary permissions, draft terms and conditions for staff and residents, hire staff, and set up the medical equipment.

The council behind the project includes ISKCON Vrindavan temple president Pancagauda Das as chairperson; his wife Gaura Purnima Devi Dasi; vice-chairperson Srutakirti das, who was Srila Prabhupada’s personal servant for over two years; his wife Vishakha Devi Dasi; vice-chairperson Trikalajna Das; Sita Ram Das; and Prema Prakash Das, who will serve as head of the department and will be the day-to-day operations manager. 

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