There has been no improvement in Pankajanghri Prabhu’s health today. It has been more or less the same for the last few days. His oxygen requirement is high and his oxygen saturation quickly drops if he isn’t on the BiPAP. 

 The medical team is also working hard, trying different options to make Pankajanghri prabhu  breathe on his own. 

It’s becoming more and more clear that Pankajanghri prabhu, being the dear most servant of Lord Nrisimhadev, can cross the most critical period of his life, only by His mercy. Astrologically also it’s been predicted that the next 6-7 days are very critical. 

Please pray intensely for Pankajanghri prabhu that he may recover and return to Sri Dham Mayapur, Krishna willing.

Your servants,

Mayapur Co-Directors and Health Team