Dear Prabhus, 

Jaya Prabhupada. I pray this letter meets you well.

To help you make breakthroughs in your Japa, we are doing four Online Japa Retreats, Level 1 starting at the end of June.

You can join any of the groups as per your schedule and language preference (we are translating into many languages). You will also be given extensive course materials like Japa Affirmations, pictures, videos, audios and a Workshop Summary. (See below for schedules)

All attendees will be given the opportunity to share their Japa challenges with Mahatma Prabhu and he will personally answer their questions.

Please note that recordings of the sessions won’t be shared as it’s a live transformational workshop, so you’ll need to attend the live sessions (which is why we have given you several choices).

Please find attached a PDF file with all the information.

Click the Below Registration Links for English and other languages:  ( English ) 
( All other languages )

Register at the above links, Please choose your group and language as per your schedule and preference.

HG Amogh Lila Prabhu will act as host and translator for the Hindi classes.

We have created three short videos to give you more information about the retreat. Please click on the links below to view them.


Group 1: English ( Translation in Spanish, Chinese, Lithuanian, Russian and French )

Saturday & Sunday, June 26th & 27th, Indian Time (IST) at 5PM – 7:30AM  
As per USA Time Zone that would be EDT 7:30AM – 10:00 AM EDT both days

Check Time as per your region:

Group 2: English (Translation in Chinese, Japanese, Spanish and Russian )

2 Sundays, July 11th & 18th, Indian Time (IST) at 4:30AM – 7AM.          

As per USA Time Zone EDT, it’s 2 Saturdays July 10th & 17th, USA Time EDT at 7PM – 9:30PM both days

Check Time as per your region:

Group 3: English ( Translation in Hindi and Portuguese )

3 Saturdays, July 3rd, 10th & 17th, Indian Time (IST) at 5PM – 7:30PM 
 As per USA Time Zone that would be EDT 7:30 AM – 10:00 AM EDT both days

Check Time in your region:

Group 4: In English ( Translation in Hindi )

3 Sundays, July 4th, 11th & 18th Indian Time (IST) at 3PM – 5:30PM
 As per USA Time Zone that would be EDT 5:30 AM – 8:00 AM EDT both days

Check Time in your region:

For any queries, please Whatsapp/Telegram/Contact at *+91 8800077780* or Email at
Aims of the Japa Retreat:

·  To experience that “there is nothing but the Holy name in all fourteen worlds.”
·  To deepen your relationship with the Holy name & feel Radha and Krsna’s presence
·  To experience the Holy name in new & profound ways
·  To get greater taste & absorption, transforming Japa into something we want to do and not what have to do
·  To gain greater admiration for Holy name & it’s central importance in the practice of bhakti
·  To create a mindset & habit of consistent & continual improvement in Japa practice for the rest of your life

“I can honestly say that the Japa Retreat was one of the most profound experiences of my life.” – HH Giriraja Swami Maharaj
“The Japa Retreat was the most powerful and important events in my spiritual life since my initiation 30 years ago. It is a great example of ISKCON at it’s best.”
– Hari-kirtana Das, New York, NY

“This was a huge turning point in my life.” – Puja, Toronto.

“Now I have the tools to chant the way my heart yearns” – Bhakti-lila devi dasi, California

“This workshop gave me profound inspiration and enthusiasm.” – Prahara dasi (ACBSP), Toronto.

“If you are considering attending a workshop/retreat it is the best decision you can make.” – Rasacarya (Gurukuli) Washington, DC.

Hope to see you there!!

Hare Krsna,