Hare Krsna Dear Devotees

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga, all glories to Srila Prabhupada

One of the most important contributions of Srila Guru Maharaja [HH Bhakti Charu Swami] is in the form of Abhay Charan which he offered on the 100th Anniversary of Srila Prabhupada in 1996. He gave his most valuable 10 years for producing this video epic to glorify his spiritual master.

On the 125th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada, we are very happy to announce the new release of Abhay Charan in Pendrive format. This could be one of the offerings from our spiritual master to Srila Prabhupada on his 125th anniversary.

Please find the specifications-
–  High Quality 45 episodes | 30 min duration each
–  64 GB | 3.0 USB | Reusable Pendrive
–  Available in customised packaging*
–  Languages available- Hindi, English, Tamil, Bangla*

We can volunteer to promote this in our state/country/zone or convince authorities to promote it to celebrate the 125th anniversary in their region. Already we got devotees volunteering to promote it in their respective regions.

Kindly contact asap to book your pendrives or be a part of the promotion team.

Seeking for your kind blessings and help to make it to reach everyone.

Promotion video : https://youtu.be/f2q118i5gaI
Book Now :  www.abhaycharan.com
Contact on WhatsApp : +91 9039926339

Your Servant
BCS Archive Team, Ujjain