Dear ISKCON Leaders and Devotees,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda. 

It is with great enthusiasm that we present to you our latest Quarterly Journal.

This issue is special for two reasons. Firstly, it has been published during a very special Sankirtan season in ISKCON. A time when there is much focus on book distribution. However, there are innumerable methods to distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books during this time. Traditionally it started with taking advantage of the Christmas spirit celebrated through-out the world, but now opportunities are presented through the spirit of Gita-jayanti; and the interfaith dialog taking place because of the simultaneous Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Hindu festivals during this period. 

Most importantly, this issue is important as it marks the last time His Holiness Hanumatpresaka Swami shall be acting as General Editor for our Quarterly Journals. The Ministry of Education would like to take this opportunity to thank Maharaj from the bottom of our hearts. Our releases would not be in the position they are in if it were not for his hard work and dedication to this Ministry.

Lastly, we are releasing a News Bulletin in the form of an interview, assessing the landscape of the Ministry of Education:

A seasoned educator, Bimla Prasad Prabhu, posed his concerns regarding ISKCON Education and Examinations system, to the ISKCON Ministry of Education, Executive Director. What followed was a candid assessment of what we have and the way forward. We hope it addresses some of your concerns too. Do let us know.     

Thank you for your support.

Your servant,

Tapana Miśra dāsa
Executive Director
Ministry of Education, ISKCON