Dear Devotees,
Please accept our humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

This month we are celebrating the advent of the Bhagavad-gita, Gita Jayanti

Gita Jayanti is the day in which Lord Krishna spoke the Bhagavad-gita to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra.

The Bhagavad Gita As It Is is one of Srila Prabhupada’s most important books that he wrote and wished for all of us to read and study it to achieve the perfection and goal of life – love for Krishna.

Therefore, we would like to dedicate the last 18 days of this year to celebrate this festival! The Gita Challenge is ONLY 18 days – from 14th to 31st of December!

The main part of this challenge is for us to chant aloud the Sanskrit slokas of a Bhagavad Gita chapter every day.

We know that many of you love to chant slokas so this is a perfect opportunity to engage your talent by going live on our Facebook group or posting videos/ pictures of your participation in the challenge!

If you are very young and cannot read, don’t worry! You can receive the same benefit by listening to your parents/carers chant the verses and try to repeat them yourself.

What a perfect and most auspicious way to end this year 2020 and invoke mercy and blessings for the year to come by taking steps closer to Krishna.

You will:
      • Receive a Gita Challenge Calendar
      • Download important verses of the day to colour from our Facebook page.
      • Join us live on our Facebook group daily at 18:30 IST for Gita Sloka        Recitation
      • Try your best to share the mercy by distributing at least one of Srila Prabhupada’s books daily.
      • Receive a digital gift for your participation at the end of the challenge.
      • Have your name offered to Radha Madhava, Panca-tattva and Lord Nrsimhadeva in Sridham Mayapur to shower blessings and mercy upon you.
      • Please Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krishna with your efforts of coming closer to Him.

Sign Up Form for Sloka recitation Facebook Live Streaming:

SHARE this challenge with others on your social media channel of preference and nominate at least 1 friend and tag us @ISKCON Children Services using #GitaChallenge.

ALL the information and activities will be shared through Facebook so LIKE our Facebook page to stay updated!

We wish you success!! 

Your servants,

CDM Children Services Team