Hare Krsna dear devotees

Please accept our humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

We are extremely pleased to offer you a FREE download of Prabhupada Lilamrta readings. This is especially rare since it’s being narrated by Srila Prabhupada’s direct disciples.

We have over the last one year been fortunate to have over 50 Prabhupada disciples read short extracts from Lilamrta.  We also have the author himself, HH Satsvarupa Das Goswami Maharaja, read twice for us.

You can also receive one 10 minute audio recording every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through a free subscription to:

·            WhatsApp Grp 1: https://chat.whatsapp.com/GvGw6gIlqLr0ZW16Y4lwnA

·            Whatsapp Grp 2: https://chat.whatsapp.com/LacCajLtzpnGI4svUiCCAh

·            Whatsapp Grp 3: https://chat.whatsapp.com/EARuB3s05WJ9GUfZYk2hOX

·            Telegram: https://t.me/PrabhupadaNectar

Previous readings can be found here:

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1C9dvGoALExJzJ19Kg-LqElpTxrZrzHGS?usp=sharing. If you experience difficulty loading this link, please copy this link and paste it in your browser.

If you are a Prabhupada disciple and you will like to read a 10 minute extract, please drop us an email on: srila.prabhupada.nectar.team@gmail.com.  We will send you the short extract to be read.

Please take the 10 minutes (3 days a week) to hear about Prabhupada’s struggles and glories in spreading Krsna consciousness throughout the world, together with your children over dinner, before bed, whilst driving etc.

Begging to remain your servants

Vrsabhanu das (on behalf of the Srila Prabhupada Nectar Team)