The GBC Strategic Planning Team has created this site as a central information hub for globally relevant articles on dealing with the current Covid-19 pandemic.  Please share the site widely.

At this time of variegated challenges connected to the COVID 19 pandemic, the GBC Strategic Planning Team will offer whatever support we can to the worldwide devotee community.

We will collect content from anywhere in ISKCON (and beyond) and will share:

1. Ideas on how to productively engage in Krishna consciousness while being confined at home, and also on how to engage children and teenagers.

2. Ideas on how to associate with each other in various ways while not leaving your place.

3. Best practices adopted in various ISKCON communities in the world to take care of the devotees and protect each other.

4. Ideas on how to do outreach from home.

5. Useful information on the virus and on ways to prevent infection and the spreading of infection.

6. Reminders of standards of safety – individual and collective. 

7. Analysis of developments in areas such as economy, geopolitics, security, etc.

8. Anything else that could be useful to the devotees.

We request you to kindly give attention to this site and share the posts with as many of your contacts as possible (through email, websites, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) – or at least please share what you find particularly relevant. 

We also encourage you to suggest information and resources that you wish to see distributed. 

Write us at:

And specifically for prayers’ requests – for devotees infected:  

Thank you for your interest and support.