(courtesy ISKCON News)

It is with great sadness that we report to you the death of His Grace Partha das, age 25.

On 15th October 2021 around 3:30 PM IST, a mob of approximately 200 attacked the Choumoni temple in Noakhali district, Bangladesh.

Partha Das’s dead body was found in a pond right next to the temple.

Partha Das was an enthusiastic young devotee and liked by all in his community. We pray to Sri Krishna to grant him His shelter and pray for strength for all family members and devotees at this trying time.

At the same time, another devotee, HG Nimai Das, is in critical condition and fighting for his life in the hospital, and many more are injured.

“Our temple property has been burned, destroyed, and looted. The devotees of Bangladesh are heartbroken,” says Naru-Gopal das.

We call upon the international community to please stand by the minorities of Bangladesh, as their very existence in Bangladesh is at stake. Kindly pray for the recovery of Nimai Das and all the other devotees.

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