Hare Krishna.

Yesterday was Sunday so no one allowed to meet patients or doctors.  I called in the morning and the doctor said they had still not moved to non covid wing but he is ok, same position.

But at 2.30 am this morning, 17th of May 2021 the doctor from JNU Hospital phoned me to declare that Mahasrnga Prabhu (Michael Charles Crawford) left this world.  He was in full consciousness, with Srila Prabhupada chanting in his ear.  Remembering Lord Krishna he has returned home, back to Godhead.

He was Covid negative and the infection in his lungs was reducing slowly but he had stopped eating.  He became very weak and though saying he would cooperate, he did not.  At one point I told him we all want him to recover and he looked me clearly and said, but I don’t want.

Today at 9.00 am we will collect him from the hospital and make arrangements for his funeral.  He has left a last will, which we will see today and take care accordingly.  Those that wish to see it, if you ask, I will send you a copy.

I will remember him, as the saintly person he was, he had no greed, no anger, no lust for this world.  His only interest was his service to Srila Prabhupada.  You all know better than me. 

We all love him dearly and miss him.  If you like to write a condolence I will see that it is read out in whatever small gathering we are allowed, as we are still fully locked down here.

Your servant

Pancaratna Das
