HG Pankajanghri prabhu has been on oxygen support but he is getting exhausted. His clinical situation has deteriorated, needing higher oxygen support. The doctors have put him on the BiPap machine.

Pankajanghri pr doesn’t feel worse than yesterday, except for being exhausted.

Some of the blood parameters have increased requiring further investigation.

The doctors have strongly advised Pankajanghri prabhu to quickly transfer to an ICU set up to monitor him better and feel that he can recover there.

On behalf of the Co-Directors, HH Jayapataka Maharaja and Vraja Vilas prabbu, had a long meeting with HG Pankajanghri prabhu and the medical team. They jointly arrived at the decision to move Pankajanghri prabhu to Kolkata.

Pankajanghri prabhu has said that whatever is best for his treatment, he will do.

Arrangements are being made to transfer Pankajanghri prabhu to a hospital in Kolkata. A devotee doctor is the intensivist in that hospital and the international team of devotee doctors will continuously be monitoring Pankajanghri prabhu telemedically.

One of the doctors from Mayapur will accompany Pankajanghri prabhu till he is handed over to the hospital in Kolkata.

Please pray intensively for HG Pankajanghri prabhu to be able to recover quickly. We urge you all to kindly chant extra rounds for his recovery.

Your servants,
Co-Directors of Mayapur and Health Team.