Hare KrsnaPlease accept my humble obeisances.All glories to Srila Prabhupada.The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Africa division is looking forward to hosting you at our 12th Annual BBT Africa Conference. There is an exciting and thought provoking 3 session line-up as we: – Discuss Africa’s key opportunities for outreach and the innovation taking place in countries across Africa. – Explore if outreach methods represent the racial, cultural and linguistic demographics within the ISKCON community in Africa. – Discuss the challenges around supplying French books in Africa and investigate possible solutions for a distribution plan. The conference will be held on the 06th November 2021 at 13H00 CAT (Central Africa Time). The live links to Facebook and YouTube for the 3 sessions appear below: Africa’s Opportunities: Innovation in Outreach https://youtu.be/_CcM58-XrOMhttps://www.facebook.com/107567729311174/posts/4588089804592255/ The Preaching Paradigm: Discrimination and Outreach in Africa https://youtu.be/0D7nxuhvGOQ https://www.facebook.com/107567729311174/posts/4588157671252135/ What is the difficulty with French books? https://youtu.be/Q79rBMIvgOg https://www.facebook.com/107567729311174/posts/4588163641251538/ We look forward to seeing you there! #innovativepreaching #thepreachingparadigm #inclusivepreaching |
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