Dear Respected ISKCON Devotees,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

We write to invite all ISKCON Men to attend the Fourth Annual MANtra Men’s Retreat.

MANtra will be held virtually this year, on November 12, 13, and 14.

The theme is “The Hero’s Journey.” We will be learning about, and discussing, the challenges that men in Krishna consciousness face in their lives, in our endeavors to be heroes for Krishna, for our gurus and mentors, and for our friends and loved ones.

Topics include the “Call to Adventure,” “Facing our Fears,” “Guide, Gurus and Mentors on the Path,” “Being a Hero in Marriage” and more.

Presenters include:

  • Key-Note Speaker Yogesvara das
  • Radhika Ramana das
  • Mahatma das (“The Power of Forgiveness.”)
  • Vaishnavi teacher, Rambhoru dasi, will co-host a panel: “Big Heroes Do Cry”
  • Chaitanya Charan das will join a panel on “Marrying the Mission”
  • Bhaktimarga Swami will launch the World Premiere drama: “The Embassy”
  • Dravida dasa will be perform some of his famous Mantra raps
  • Yadunath dasa will perform acts of comedy–and the drama “On the Bowery with Swamiji”
  • Kirtans by Badahari das and Gauravani das

Attached is the full schedule of all our exceptional presenters, panelists, and topics.

Register today at

MANtra Virtual Retreat November 12-14

Donations are welcome but there is no fixed fee. You can contribute $1 or $100…or fill in $0 on the form if you can’t contribute at all. And, you’re welcome to come to any, or all of the sessions, as you like.

Please share this invitation via your social media connections and with all your male Vaishnava associates, friends and family members.

Your servants,

Bhaktimarga Swami

Anuttama dasa

(for the MANtra Retreat Organizing Team)