The website contains links for donations to assist the Ukrainian devotees. It links to the GBC SPT ISKCON Online Paypal and credit/debit card gateways which also caters for donations from India. Credit/debit card donations can be made from any card with international payment facility.

Latest News and Updates from ISKCON News
Exclusive Interview with Ukrainian devotees in Hungary (19 Mar)

UK Devotees Volunteering on Ukraine’s Border –

Bhaktivedanta Manor’s Manager Premaniketana das, security man Lila Jagannath das, and now Congregational Care officer Kanhaiya das have traveled to Hungary to help the devotee community there to distribute vegetarian food (prasadam) as well as practical supplies to the needy. The same team is now active on the Polish and Romanian borders.

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Ukrainian Stories From the Front Lines
(19 Mar)

It has been reported to us that approximately 60-70 devotees escaped through Mariupol between March 15th and 16th.

Devotees did risk being shot while trying to escape. Luckily all those who made the move made it to safety. Approximately 60 devotees are still in there and there is no way to contact them currently. All devotees are requested to pray for them to safely get out.

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Hungarian Relief During Ukraine Conflict Report

As far as accommodation is concerned, to date, 90 Ukrainian devotees have come to Hungary, including 32 children. Some devotees were in transit and just stayed overnight, others are staying longer term to rest and weigh up their options.

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