Today, the international team of devotee doctors and the Mayapur Co-Directors had a conversation with HG Pankajanghri prabhu over zoom. His consciousness is very clear and he was able to express different things about his diet, sleep and the ICU set up where he is. He is feeling a little bit better.

But his oxygen requirement stays the same, very high.

His blood parameters are showing slight improvement. His Chest X Ray also showed some improvement.

The international group of doctors are reviewing the medicines and prescribing the medicines based on their experience in dealing with Covid patients in different places.

It continues to be a critical situation of wait and watch over the next few days. The crucial thing is for Pankajanghri prabhu to get off the high oxygen support and be able to breathe on his own. So far this hasn’t been accomplished.

Prayers are the most crucial for his recovery. Jananivas prabhu told Pankajanghri prabhu that Lord Nrsimhadev is waiting for his service. The whole world is waiting to see Pankajanghri prabhu back on Nrsimhadev’s altar. Please keep praying intensely so that Pankajanghri prabhu can be back to his service in Sri Dham Mayapur.

Your servant,

Mayapur Co-Directors and Health Team